Wills in Spain
It is a practice that I always recommend, which is to create a will in Spain, as this will make the process of property transfer much easier and less costly for your heirs because this procedure avoids additional expenses for translation and apostille to validate all the requested documents in Spain.
In addition, many problems arise from not having a Spanish will when the inheritors are not able to get the documents legalized on time before the deadline of the Spanish Taxes that charges the inheritance. This costs your heirs extra money and time.
María always explain to her clients that if they have property, assets, and bank accounts in Spain it is necessary to have a will.
María usually writes the will and translates it to the clients and assists them in the notary in order to check that the process has been done correctly.
You have to know that there is a special place for the wills of foreigners: Registro de Ultimas Voluntades de Madrid.
María Solana Law Firm can also help you -if you don´t live in Spain- to get your will registered without coming.