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The City Council of Sant Joan d’Alacant has implemented a Xaloc one-stop office for housing matters in the municipality.

This office is aimed at all citizens who have any doubts about the management or application for housing-related assistance, with a focus on home regeneration, such as improving its energy efficiency or thermal insulation.

This office, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana with 69,000 euros, has allowed the hiring of a lawyer, an architect, and an administrative staff, who are the human resources available in this municipal office.

Maria Solana, lawyer and mediator, has attended and resolved 12 imminent eviction cases in just two weeks since the Crevillent Housing Office started operating, located in the Social Services building (Ribera, 16). In all cases, families in rental arrangements and precarious financial situations unable to meet their monthly payments.

Presentation at the XIV PMI Madrid Conference

Title: Practical Application of PM Principles for Implementing Strategies

Speaker: María Solana. CEO and Senior Legal Project Manager at Wolf Project Solutions

Presented by: Jose Vte Romero. Volunteer at PMI Valencia Spain Chapter