Two young professionals with a considerable professional background in the business world have decided to establish their law firm together. Gema Bruy and María Solana combine their roles as mothers with their professional careers, convinced that the challenge of balancing both is more than achievable.
These two legal experts will accompany us in each edition to address our doubts on topics such as shared custody, the full text of which you can find in our next issue. On this occasion, we get to know them better through an interview that will serve as inspiration for those who have also decided to start their own business.
“How did you decide to start this project together?”
Gema: Well, the idea actually came from María. We both have very similar profiles; we became moms and gave up our jobs because it was practically impossible to balance work with family responsibilities.
María: Exactly, this was a project I had in mind for a while, but I didn’t want to start it alone (considering the family responsibilities). So, when I found Gema, I thought she was the right person.
“What areas have you specialized in?”
G: We cover practically all legal matters, but our specialization lies in civil law (family, property, rentals, sales, etc.), administrative law (urban planning), and criminal law.
M: Initially, my idea was to focus our services on women’s issues. A law firm created by and for them, with the goal of efficiently handling common problems.
Since I’ve been in charge of the legal department of a group of companies for many years, and Gema, on the other hand, has worked as a lawyer in a large firm dealing with various legal matters, we decided not to exclusively focus on those types of conflicts. Therefore, we open our doors, as we currently do, to any client, whether it be a company or an individual.
“What are the advantages and disadvantages of being young mothers in the legal profession?”
G & M: Well, we’re not really that young (laughs). Nowadays, women often become mothers after their thirties. We both have over ten years of professional experience. As for the advantages, the qualities that come with youth, such as enthusiasm, energy, and the ability to organize our time as we see fit, are beneficial for practicing law. The negative aspect would be that being a lawyer requires a lot of effort due to the stress of deadlines and the study necessary to handle a case, which sometimes means many sleepless nights. But it’s rewarding to see satisfied clients and to feel satisfied ourselves for doing a great job. Now, the effort is for our direct interest, not for a third party, so the motivation is higher.
“Are you experiencing the consequences of the current economic situation?”
G & M: Obviously, like everyone else. We also have to find new ways to prosper in the profession, especially with the competition from big firms that use extensive marketing. However, since we believe in providing quality work with special care for the client, we trust that soon we can be proud of our project. Well, (laughs) we already are… And regarding the current economic situation, like any citizen, we hope it improves soon.
“What advantages and disadvantages do you find now with a private business?”
G: All advantages; we are our own bosses, and no one tells us what time to arrive, what time to leave, or which task to prioritize. That was something that bothered me a lot in my previous firm. I consider law to be a liberal profession, and no one can dictate what you should and shouldn’t do. You should be the one setting the priorities. As for disadvantages, naturally, the security of a monthly salary is missing.
M: Indeed, the advantage now is that you direct your own destiny, and the disadvantage is that you don’t have a safety net.
“Are you excited about this new project?”
G & M: Very much so! We believe it’s going to go very well, and in fact, it already is. Although beginnings are always challenging, we are very enthusiastic about this project and hope it lasts for many, many years.

This article was originally published in Spanish in the number zero of DMODA EN LA CIUDAD magazine. You can read it here.